Edu Giansante - Why you should think like a creator when building a community!

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🤙🏻 About the Guest - Edu Giansante is the head of community at Persona, based in SF. Prior to Persona, he was the head of community for Wix, Dropbox, VMware and Zynga. He is also the founder of edublin, book author and a dog parent.

🤙🏻 About the Host - Sharath Kuruganty is the Head of the Community at @ThreadoHQ. Currently, he is building Community Champs, a tight-knit community of world-class community leaders.

🤙🏻 Timestamps

00.00 - Introduction to the podcast and the guest
02.45 - Running a E-Dublin and creating content
04.44 - How the community experience helped Ed build E-Dublin
10.08 - Learnings for community builders from content creators
13.30 - Creating timeless content and staying on the edge as a creator
16.52 - Strategy towards making community bigger than the community builder
20.07 - Edu’s experience of scaling Dropbox community - creating ambassadors and much more
25.48 - Incentivising super users in Dropbox community
30.29 - Some things that did not work at Dropbox
40.05 - Changing gears from Dropbox to Wix from a community standpoint
46.47 - Tips to look out for when you hire community managers
49.50 - Outro to the podcast

🤙🏻 Where to find Edu Giansante -
🤙🏻 Where to find Sharath -
Edu Giansante - Why you should think like a creator when building a community!
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