Welcome to Decoded by Threado where we chat with founders, support and community leaders.

We talk about how to do great customer/community support at the intersection of AI, unpack unconventional methods to do support and community building. Together, we dissect, decode, and dive deeper into how they had successfully built stellar teams before and/or building them now.

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Latest Episodes

Brittany Ferguson - Leading and scaling support teams in the age of AI!

🤙 About the guest - Brittany is a seasoned customer support leader with over a decade of experience. She's held support leadership roles at companies like Brio Systems...

Neal Travis - Understanding the two-by-two matrix of the customer support landscape!

🤙 About the guest - Neal Travis is the creator and host of Growth Support and is creating a resource library for support professionals across the globe. He is also a s...

Dave Chapman - How to build a proactive customer support team

🤙 About the guest - Dave Chapman is a Senior Customer Advocate at Buffer. He has been with Buffer for nearly a decade now. He works at the intersection of tech, social...

Peter Peart - How to unlock customer success in the right way!

🤙🏻 About the Guest - Peter Peart is the founder of Scale-Upp.uk. He has 17+ years of firsthand startup and scale-up expertise with various orgs to improve their intern...

[Special Episode] Lauren Fearn - AI in Customer Support from the Director of Support at Zapier

🤙🏻 About the Guest - Lauren Fearn is the Director of Support at Zapier. She has been with the Zapier support team for more than five years and has over a decade of exp...

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